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To help you find your place at Cornell, we offer thousands of ways to supplement your studies: more than 1,000 student organizations, hundreds of opportunities to serve the Ithaca community, 60 sororities and fraternities, intramural and club sports teams and leagues, opportunities to cheer on Cornell Big Red student ...

Cornell Club of New York - Wikipedia

Cornell Club of New York - Wikipedia

Cornell Club of New York - Wikipedia

Cornell Club of New York - Wikipedia

Student Life | Cornell University

Student Life | Cornell University

Student Organization Directory | Student \u0026 Campus Life | Cornell University

Student Organization Directory | Student \u0026 Campus Life | Cornell University

NYC - Cornell Club - Cornell

NYC - Cornell Club - Cornell

Clubs or Groups Archive | Alumni, parents, and friends | Cornell University

Clubs or Groups Archive | Alumni, parents, and friends | Cornell University

Inside Cornell's Most Selective Finance and Consulting Clubs | The Cornell  Daily Sun

Inside Cornell's Most Selective Finance and Consulting Clubs | The Cornell Daily Sun